Photovoltaic system on building C-6

Faculty of Environmental Engineering
Wrocław University of Science and Technology


On-line PV system

University logo Here are presented current measurements of the solar power system installed on the C-6 building. PV system is managed by the Faculty of Environmental Engineering from Wrocław University of Science and Technology. PV system consists of twelve modules. There are six standard PV modules and six photovoltaic/thermal hybrid solar modules (PVT). PVT modules allow to simultaneously convert solar energy into electricity and heat. The maximum grid feed-in power can reach 1.5kW for both PV and PVT parts. Therefore, the overall grid feed-in power can achieve 3.0kW.

  1. The newest measurements
  2. Power chart
  3. Solar irradiance chart

The newest measurements

We present below the current state of solar power system.

Parameter Value Unit
PVT and PV Overall Power349W
PVT Power175W
PV Power174W
Solar irradiation109W/m2
Outdoor air temperature11
Timestamp2024-10-06 08:56:49yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Power chart

We present below electric power chart, which represents electric power [ W ] delivered to inverters. Inverter connected to standard modules (PV) and inverter connected to photovoltaic/thermal hybrid modules (PVT) can produce maximum 1,5kW grid feed in power separately. If measuring points from PVT part are not visible, electric power of PVT part is equal to electric power of PV part.

Solar irradiance chart

We present below solar irradiance chart. Solar irradiance [ W/m2 ] is measured in location where solar systems are mounted.

Additional information

Each chart plotted from 36 points